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Faculty of Medicine
University of Toronto
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Best Practices in Evaluation and Assessment (BPEA)
Best Practices in Evaluation and Assessment (BPEA)
Best Practices in Evaluation and Assessment (BPEA) for Competency-Based Medical Education (CBME)
in Residency Education – SUMMARY REPORT – 2017
Theme 1 - Changing Curricula to CBME - Issues and Implications
Theme 2 - A look at the Issues and Implications of CBME for Learners
Theme 3 - A look at the Issues and Implications of CBME for Faculty
Theme 4 - Programs of Assessment
Theme 5 - Role of Technology in Assessment and Data Management
Theme 6 - Program Evaluation and Monitoring of Competence by Design (CBD)
Theme 7 - Assessment Fatigue
Theme 8 - Managing Residents in Difficulty within CBME Residency Educational Systems
Theme 9 - Learner Handover and Appropriate Disclosure of Learner Needs
Theme 10 - Lessons Learned from Innovators and Innovations in Competency-Based Medical Education (CBME): Consultations with Residents and Faculty Leaders Across Three Programs at the University of Toronto